Monday, 4 May 2015


Citation Style Language

keterangan Citation Style di Mendeley
Citation Styles Language (CSL, merupakan bahasa XML yang digunakan untuk memformat model daftar pustaka.
CSL digunakan oleh berbagai aplikasi manajemen data riset, di antaranya Mendeley, Zotero dan Papers.
CSL dikembangkan oleh Bruce D'Alcus ( dan dibantu oleh komunitas.

CSL mengklaim memiliki lebih dari 7500 style daftar pustaka, mulai dari style dasar sampai style khas jurnal tertentu.
Our crowdsourced repository offers over 7500 free CSL citation styles, and CSL is used by commercial and open source products alike, including ACS ChemWorx, BibSonomy, Bielefeld University Library’s!, Cite This For Me, colwiz, CrossRef, digi-libris Reader, Docear, Drupal, EasyBib, Fidus WriterI, Librarian, Islandora, Jekyll, Logos, Mendeley, Multilingual Zotero, pandoc, Paperpile, Papers, Qiqqa, ReadCube, Refeus, RefME, Talis Aspire, WordPress (BibSonomy/PUMA CSL, KCite, Mendeley Plugin and Zotpress plugins), and Zotero. (sumber:

Karena codenya terbuka, maka siapapun dapat membuat atau memodifikasi style sesuai kebutuhannya. Selain itu CSL menyediakan jasa pembuatasn style dengan biaya $100-300. Style yang telah dibuat dan tersedia untuk umum dapat dilihat di

CSL memiliki beberapa keterbatasan, seperti yang ditulis dalam webnya

CSL has a number of limitations. They currently include:
  • Limited support for “trigraph” styles. These styles use labels, like “ddb98″, that are based on the author names and date of publishing, to link in-text citations to bibliographic entries. CSL styles cannot customize the label format.
  • No support for “composite” styles. With these styles, popular in the field of chemistry, each numbered bibliographic entry can contain more than one reference.
  • Limited support for legal styles. Law professor Frank Bennett, author of the citeproc-js CSL processor, forked Zotero and CSL to create Multilingual Zotero and CSL-m, with the specific purpose of improving their legal support. We recommend you check it out!
  • Limited support for citing items in multiple languages within a single document. Do citations and bibliographic entries need to be formatted according to the language of the cited items? Again Multilingual Zotero is the answer, at least for now.
  • Limited support for journal abbreviations. CSL styles cannot choose between journal abbreviation lists.


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